Taste & See!

The king shares secrets the way people share food. They say, "Here! Try this! Let it tantalize your palate! Give it your full attention as it travels from lips to tongue to teeth. Give your attention to the details of the flavor. Give your attention to the texture and temperature. Isn't it lovely?"

Come and I will tell you marvelous things that many wished to have known! Come and fill your mind with knowledge and wisdom from My table! Come and be enlightened!! For isn't this what divination tries to imitate? They run after potions and spells and chants thinking they will make them wise. But they only end up the fool!! 

So COME! Give your full attention to the stories I am crafting, the songs I am singing, the love I am sending to earth - even now! Come and hear, taste and see that I am good and only do good! Come and see that I am indeed your Rescuer, King and Hero! 

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.  


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