Food & Kisses

Sometimes, just to be silly with my daughter, I'll playfully give her a hard time in the morning when she says to me, "Hey mom, I'm hungry. What's for breakfast?"

And I'll say, "You can't be hungry, Bryana. I just fed you yesterday!" 

It leaves us both chuckling. She knows I'm only kidding because it's an absurd statement. Just because she ate yesterday, doesn't mean she won't be hungry to eat again today. Her body was designed to consume food daily.

This is equally true for us spiritually. I could bask in God's presence on Sunday and devour His Word, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to need Him on Monday. Actually, if anything, I often need Him even more on Mondays as I set out into the work week! 

In a similar way, my husband's kisses on our wedding day were hardly enough to sustain our marriage for the past almost 18 years. We weren't making a business deal with a hand shake and contract. We were committing to a lifelong journey together as one flesh. If this covenant relationship was going to work, we needed to have affection take its rightful place on a continual basis.

And the same is true in our covenant relationship with God. The Holy Spirit loves to love on us! And boy am I thankful for that. I need His Spirit's affection on a daily basis to comfort me, strengthen me, encourage me, heal me, give me rest, give me wisdom, etc. I need to drink Him in daily! There's no way I can spiritually be sustained on one cup of His refreshment and then never drink Him in again!

See, we have a living relationship with God. It's an ongoing, daily experience. This is literally how God has fashioned us to spiritually thrive - by living on daily bread (His Word, Himself). Jesus is the Bread of Life! (John 6) I'm sure that's probably why He fed the Israelites in the wilderness with daily manna from heaven. He wanted to show them, and then show us as well, that our dependency on Him never stops and we should continually seek His fellowship everyday for fresh manna!

But to even go a step further... how many of us only eat one meal a day? Probably not many of us if we had our say. We might eat a delicious breakfast, but that doesn't stop us from craving a little lunch and then dinner later on in our day. And if you're like so many people out there, you might even like to snack. So you may as well say that at least every two hours we potentially could be thinking about food! 

So why not think the same way about God? Why limit yourself to enjoying Him just once a day? Don't just take time with Him at the kitchen table and then get up and leave Him there until the next day when you sit to talk to Him again. Take Him with you wherever your day takes you! Don't be afraid to step into this relationship with both feet and let Him walk with you and talk with you all day long! This is actually what God desires! He wants to be our closest friend, brother, lover, companion, leader, life partner... He wants to be our God.


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