When The Tide Turns and Gives it ALL Back!
We're liquidating! We're changing what you can't see into a flow of streams! Multiple streams! Just as one would liquidate their assets, so I will let you partake of your inheritance and eat of its fruit while you're still on the planet! See! My favor is not just for when you leave the earth! It is for NOW and you will see for yourself that I am GOOD -- though you have known it with your mind, you will now SEE IT play out! haha!
It's like one who's been waiting to receive all the gifts but has had to wait until the time was right.
Just like Joshua waited to receive his portion, so you have waited and now you'll get back what was stolen from the ocean. And you say, "What ocean?" And I say, "The ocean that has taken from you like a tsunami. It sucked the land of all its wealth and carried it into the sea. BUT NOW! oh now! My favor remains and I will GIVE YOU BACK with interest on your gain! haha! Yes, You have known Me as your Father, Friend, Provider. You have seen how I care for you, even when you're in the fire. BUT NOW! oh now! You will see Me as King! And you will see that I am wealthier and stronger than anything! And you will SEE for yourself that the ocean will GIVE BACK all it stole, all it took and you will have more than you ever dreamed as you hold it, laugh and look! hahaha! Yes! You will be like Sarah who was given back the years of barrenness. You will laugh 'in your old age' and say, "He is GOOD! And with Him there is no lack!"
Photo: freepik.com