When Daddy Steps In

God has been speaking to me for awhile now about the justice that is coming to the earth. God has heard the cries of His people that are suffering under corrupt leadership worldwide. He has seen the child trafficking. He is fully aware of the evil that is beyond the average person's comprehension. And He is not sitting back and staying silent. He is coming in a way that we have never seen. He is coming to deliver us -- even from things we didn't know we needed His help on. For there are things hidden from us, but God is bringing them into the open and bringing an end to it! But for us... for those who seek Him and love Him and know Him... for us it is SUNRISE. For us, it is a fresh day. So don't despair when you see things shift! The shift is toward something good. Trust Him.


Open up to see a world full of ME. The splendor and majesty is just the beginning! For I will infuse Myself inside your walls so that ALL will know and ALL will answer, answer the call. I will not hold back My fortunes and splendor! I WILL NOT HOLD BACK in this hour! I will give and pour and drench 'til you're full! And when you think you've had your portion -- oh darling, look! There's more! I AM a Jolly Fellow, indeed! And I will not share My glory! This is MY show and MY story...

So WATCH as I topple the elite! hahaha! 

They don't know what's happening. They are running for the hills! They are more scared than a mouse before it's killed. They are frightened, confused, scattered abroad! They tell on each other and squeal about the fraud! They don't protect each other. They don't worry about the next. They are 'each man for himself' in this jig that is now up! They thought they had a plan. Oh, they thought it was so clever. But, I have been listening and it's no secret to Me! I see it all and I will dismantle accordingly! I know who is guilty and I know who is not. I know who was trapped and couldn't get out because they were lost. For I will have mercy on those who were victims. Even the ones who were ensnared into elitism. I will gather those who's hearts are not really in favor of all the evil and all the schemes, but they were blackmailed and now need to be redeemed.

Listen -- I know. I know who is who in the characters of the story. I know who is playing innocent but REALLY.... really they are 'guilty as sin' as they say. And their sin has found them out on this day!

So don't be too surprised when you see the great reveal! This story is going to start looking like something that's surreal! 


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