Light Hitting Darkness

I'm rolling back the curtain, even as I am rolling back the scroll. History is opening and happening, right before your eyes! 

I am pulling back the curtain to expose the evil, but also to let the light in! People have lived behind thick, light-blocking curtains for so long that they don't even remember (or know!) that there is Light that they need! They walk around in pitch black thinking they have their needs met! But VITAMIN D deficiency keeps them from experiencing life to the fullest! They are deficient and don't know it! And then they wonder why they live the way they live! If you live in the darkness, your body and mind and soul grow accustomed to it. It becomes the culture you're used to. You stop using your eyes. All you can do is feel your way. You become as a blind man!

But MY LIGHT will be what sets off this new ERA! My LIGHT will be the catalyst! I will break through with such revelation that it will feel like a lightning bolt hitting the earth with both light and energy all wrapped in one! It WILL be SWIFT! It will come as a thief in the night! That is what I do! I come when least expected! ... the night of My birth, the rapture. Both were and are very much talked about and anticipated, YET it STILL came and WILL come as a surprise the day it happened/happens! haha! I am the Master of Surprises!

So brace yourself again. For the light that will break through the darkness will be FELT!


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