Playing Catch

"Just in the nick of time!" the father shouted as Johnny caught the ball. It had flown so high in the sky that Johnny had to jump to reach it. But he caught it, just in the nick of time!

The father laughed and said, "You got it Johnny! Way to reach up for it! And way to run after it! It didn't get away from you! Now here comes another one and I want you to keep your eye on it. Ready? I'm going to aim for you but it may curve on you. Just keep your eye on the ball. 

The father threw it and just as expected, the ball came toward Johnny and then curved. 

"Way to go!" the father cheered as Johnny positioned his mitt just right and made a winning catch. "See how easy it is to catch what I throw you when you keep your eye on it? Your hand and your eyes work together."

So keep your eyes open! Keep your eyes always on the prize. Keep your eyes ever on the things I have coming your way. EXPECT them! I may toss one when you aren't thinking about it. But keep your antennas up listening for Me. I'm very clever and will toss things toward you, but sometimes with a curve so it takes you looking and staying in position to catch it.


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