A Focused Life

There are so many things vying for your attention, My love. So many good things! But pursuing things just for the sake of 'using your gifts' isn't necessarily My way. Jesus could have pursued a million different things, but in the end He chose to obey what I sent Him to earth to accomplish - the cross. He focused on His main assignment.

Focus on Me and My voice. Don't let things clutter up your thinking and vision. Don't assume certain things based on your abilities and gifts or your current connections with people or your current situation. Abraham listened to My call to "Go!"- go and not know where he was even headed. He just went because I told him it was time to. Blind faith! 

But remember, Abraham was called a friend of God. My friends will always trust Me and take Me at My word. He didn't doubt because he knew the One who was sending him. He knew I was good to him and wouldn't send him without going with him.

If you want to make a splash in this world, do as Jesus and Abraham did: run after My heart.

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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