Comfort For Today

Hello. This is Tomorrow speaking. I know, I worry about me a lot, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m doing just fine. I’m not really sure why folks are so overly concerned about me anyway. Not to say I don’t have cares of my own, but I’m never alone in them.  I’m in Good Company, and am being cared for by the One outside of time. 

Despite my efforts to reassure him, I do still frequently hear from my friend, Today. He knocks on my door continuously, wanting to know what he can expect when he sees me. Seems he can never just enjoy himself where he is. Poor guy. He seems to have forgotten that the same Shepherd that is taking care of him is also taking care of me. So when he sees me, he’ll see the Shepherd, too. 

But I think I know what the problem is. Yesterday. Yesterday is a big troublemaker. He’s always reminding Today of its dramas. He throws fear all over Today by whispering things like, “How can you possibly enjoy yourself after all we’ve lived through? How can you ever have Hope in Tomorrow?” He tosses worry, shame, and condemnation around like wild waves hitting a sandy beach. His persistence completely wears out Today. The abuse leaves him neither living in the moment nor hoping for something better from me. He gets stuck in the muck of it. 

Oh, but then! (I’ve seen it with my own eyes...) When the Shepherd gets wind of it, He steps in and rebukes those waves and comes and speaks gently to Today. 

“Today,” He whispers. 

“Why so scared? Why so fearful about Tomorrow? And why listen so much to Yesterday? Neither one can bring you peace right now. Only I can do that. 

“My friend, you are very, very special. No one has what you have - the Present. It’s only in the Present that folks can live in. It’s only in Today that people can hear Me and find Me. You offer something so unique!

“So don’t let Yesterday steal that from you. And don’t rob yourself by putting so much fret into Tomorrow. Today, I Am with you. And that’s really all you need.”


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