
Marinade: A savory which meat, fish, or a vegetable 
is soaked to enrich its flavor or to tenderize it. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Marinading food is a brilliant idea. It takes seasoning to a whole new level. Instead of just being sprinkled, the food is saturated in all the good stuff. It gets into its pores. It goes beneath the outer layers and seeps deep inside the food. It makes it completely flavorful - outside and in.  

Our Great Chef knows all about such Cooking Strategies and takes Seasoning to a whole new level with us, too. He’s not just looking to Flavor the outside. (Even though some think that’s all that’s really necessary. They are only looking to appear pretty and presentable). He's looking for every part and every layer of the work of His Hands to be touched, changed, and saturated.

And what’s His Special Marinating Sauce? Does He soak us in lectures on how to be a better person, or how to be a better Christian? Does He make it about our efforts and striving? My goodness, no. He knows the only Sauce that changes us is His Kindness Sauce. It’s the same Kindness that lead us to repentance. And in that Special Marinade are generous portions of Grace, Forgiveness, and Love. His Marinade does not slap the Food into submission. His Marinade works gently. His Marinade takes time. His Marinade tenderizes. His Marinade always make us better - outside and in.  


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