Run, Baby! Run!

Oh, but there's mooorrre. So much more. 
So let me fill your cup and let it flow 
from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. 

I'm doing something new, so you'll need new shoes. 
New shoes to get the run done. 
Not the old ones that are yesterday's style! 
No! A new shoe for a new groove 
so you can run to the very last mile.
Those worn out shoes are like old wineskins, you see.
It's time to switch it up so you can run the last laps with Me.

Oh darling, it's going to be wonderful so just enjoy the process!
This is a game-changing moment when everyone wins and the loser counts his losses! haha!

You won't even believe it. You'll have to rub your eyes. You'll say, "It's too good! It's too much! I can't even count all my surprises!"

But the enemy will sulk. He'll whine like a baby.
He'll wish he never pushed you so far back.
He'll wish he didn't push you into so much lack!
FOR NOW it's ALL coming back!

You will spring like a jack-n-the box!
You will pop out with surprise!
People will jolt, not expecting your rise!
For you'll rise to the occasion and be just what people need.
You will give them the morsels and they will feed and feed! 
They will stuff their faces with My delicacies! 

So don't hold back. You've come too far!
Run, baby run! Run and run far!

Check out this encouragement that goes along with this same word: 



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