Phew. I'm not in Charge.

The fear of the Lord is good. It helps us remember that we are not in charge. And, oh, what a good feeling that is! For who really wants to be in charge? Who really wants that kind of pressure? 

And yet...

we often let the cares stack high on our shoulders as if we are the highest ones and there is no other. 

But...when we realize that 

we are not God 

OH WHAT FREEDOM FOR US! We don't have to run the world! We don't have to be controlling. We can let go because we know that we rest in the hands of our Daddy who is good and caring. 

So we take a deep breath and look up. Look at the sky and remember who made all of it. And just like the birds that sing all day long, we can sing a happy song saying, 

"We are so little, but You, God, are big!
You are so strong, so we can rest in Your arms.
We keep looking up when we start to think it's on us, saying,
'The weight of the world is too much!'

"We line up with truth, the truth about You
and suddenly we're free again 
feeling young like the youth!

"How do we rise up on wings like eagles?
How do we fly with such ease?
We put our full weight into the wind of your grace,
and let the cares of the world stay below in its place!"

…and let the cares of the world stay below in its place!


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