The Man for All People

Let those who are far, come near.

Let those who are hungry, be fed.

Let those who are discouraged, be brightened.

Let those who are tired, find strength.

Let those who are broken, be mended.

Let those who are hopeless, find light.

Let those who are confused, see clearly.

Let those who are scared, see truth.

Let those who are persecuted, find joy.

Let those who are prosperous, not forget Me.

Let those who are needy, find Love.

For I am all things to all people. I am the cool water that refreshes, the warm hand that guides, the fire that lights the night. I am the Rock of their salvation, the Lion that defends them. I am the Father that comforts them, the reassurance of their security. I am their beginning and I walk with them to the end. I am their Friend, one closer than a brother. I am what each man needs. I am the Lover of their souls. I AM. 


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