
My love is for everyone. There's no exception to the rule.

For the power in the Blood is not assigned to a select or just a few.

I poured Myself out for every man, woman and child.

My mercy covers EVERY sin. I forgive even the most vile. 

It's an open invitation to anyone that wants to come. 

No questions asked. No cover charge. 

It's simply this: "Just come like children, My little ones."

And for those who don't think they're worth it...let me remind you here again.

I would not have left heaven and did what I did if I couldn't include everyone.


This includes the least of you.

This includes the self-righteous.

This includes the killers and rapists.

This includes the unborn child. 

Again I say it. And this I say throughout the day,

"Just come. Just come! There's nothing to lose and only adventure to embark upon!"


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