Perspective Change

No longer worry about changing seasons or atmospheres. No longer worry about your surroundings and what you see with your eyes. Things that are happening in the spirit may look very different than what you see in the natural. It's upside down...promotion sometimes looks like a descent in the natural. Focus more on what you are seeing in the spirit than you are in the natural. Paul had to. Everywhere I took him to did not look very pleasing in the natural, but he was positioned perfectly on each new adventure I sent him on! And that is how you should perceive My moves for you - adventures! For in heaven, that is what they look like! We see things as they really are and it is exciting to watch! Come away with Me and I'll show you!

Step into this reality. Step into this perspective change and you'll never see life the same way again! This is why you can consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds! Because these trials are really just adventures and opportunities in disguise! Don't I 'disguise' Myself in this world? Don't I 'hide' Myself in the ordinary? (But those who have eyes that see and have hearts that are open, see Me clearly!) 

I function on a higher plane and see things much differently than you, but I will bring you up to where I am and show you things from My perspective! What an adventure!!

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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