Hovering Over With Anticipation!

There's so much joy in the start of a new day! Can you feel it? The anticipation of what could happen in the next 24 hours. My Spirit is always hovering, like in the Beginning, over the still waters before the dawn of day. He is ready and waiting for what is about to take place, even explode on the scene! 

Don't think that My Spirit is not thinking and moving you forward every minute of every day. He is always at work! Like a busy beaver. He is making plans and setting things up. He's full of joy as He administrates all these things! How free He is! How wonderful He is! So keep reaching out to Him everyday as your faithful, fun-filled pal that is hovering over you day and night with this same great anticipation of what is next for you - the dawning of your new day.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 
The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. 
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Then God said, "Let there be light, " and there was light.

Genesis 1:1-2 NLT

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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