Weeds & Storms

Some weeds are best pulled up after a good soaking rain. I will purposefully wait to weed my yard until after a storm passes through. The water moistens the hard soil and I'm able to pull out those unwanted weeds with ease.

Likewise, there are 'weeds' in our hearts that are easier to pull up after a storm passes through. It's amazing to see how trials can often humble and soften a person, if they let it. Like the grumpy old man who always wore a sour face. Nothing could pull the weed of bitterness out of him, until the storm passed through when his wife died. Suddenly he was broken and softened and the Lord was able to reach in and pull out the weed that would never budge for decades.

Storms are unavoidable. But we can take heart that when the storms do come, God will use every single raindrop for our benefit. We can totally trust the Gardener of our lives to not just see us through the storm, but to also take advantage of all the rain and pull up any weeds that will only budge after a good soaking rain.

And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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