The Comeback

We love a good comeback story. Ya know, when the beloved character of a story gets knocked down, but not forever. They come back with a strength that's even greater. We just love it!

The Bible has got some great comeback stories that are told over and over and over again because we just love them. Joseph, in prison unjustly, comes back to play a lifesaving role for the people. Samson, for all appearance sake, looking finished and defeated, comes back one more time and defeats more enemies in his death than in his life! And of course, our amazing Jesus who was crucified and buried, comes back to show the world that NOPE, He is NOT DEAD. He is risen and alive and has accomplished the will of the Father on the earth! He is the winner after all!

We love the old comeback stories. But there are still modern day comebacks in the making whether we realize it or not. Like maybe you? Maybe you have been knocked down, forsaken, defeated. Maybe you have experienced great loss. Maybe you are one who lives in the shadows, with only the memory of your glory days behind you. 

But this doesn't have to be the end. This doesn't have to be where the movie credits roll. What a sad ending! NO! The script can flip! YOU can be the next comeback! You can be part of the continuation of Bible stories! For that is what we are as sons and daughters of the King. We are the next chapter in God's story where He now has filled vessels of glory that He can take and fill the earth with! AMAZING! Amazing to think that this is where God has chosen for us to live in history! Amazing that we are the ones that get to carry His glory, much like Mary carried the presence of God in her womb, so we carry Him as living vessels on the earth. I'll say it again: AMAZING! 

So what will it be? Will you stay where you are or will you come and say, "God, thank You! You are the God of comebacks! And You are more than able to bring me back!"


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