Thunderstorms & New Songs

"Thunderstorms are like bad dreams that come to life," Josie whispered, as she wrapped her blanket around herself a little tighter and stared out her bedroom window. 

It had been Storming all night long and she wondered when the Clouds would finally run dry.

"Will the Clouds ever stop crying, Daddy? Will the Thunder ever stop booming? They scare me and make me sad."

They will, darling. No Storm can last forever. This, too, shall pass. The Clouds will roll on. The Thunder will eventually lose its Voice. What's important to remember is that you live in My House. And My House is your Protection. Though the Winds howl and the Rain pounds harder, I Am still with you. See, I'm right here. I never left you, just as I promised. And I never, ever, ever will. 

Standing up to close the curtain, He gave her a little wink. "Hey, I have an idea. Let's not focus on the Storm. It only bullies us into Fear, anyway. Let's play a game. How about the staring game?"

"Oh, Daddy," she cried, "I never win that game! I always blink first!"

She was right. It was actually impossible for Him to lose because He never took His eyes off of her for even a split second.

"HaHaHa!" He chuckled loudly, "Very well. Then, what shall it be? Cards? Charades?"

"How about we sing a Song, Daddy?" Her face brightened with the thought of it.

"Oh, now that's a great idea. Singing always makes our hearts feel better. What shall we sing?"

"I think we should make up a Song! Remember the last time we made up a Song? It was when I broke my arm. We made it up when they were putting my cast on. By the time we finished singing, they were all done." Josie said.

"That's right," her Father agreed. "And now when we think back on that memory, we remember the Song more than the broken arm!"


"Well, then let's Sing!" her Father cheered.

He took her hands and they began to take turns coming up with a New Song. She sang,

"Over and over and over, 
I roll through Your meadow of flowers. 

And with every turn I can see, 
each one has budded for ME!"

"Oh, I like that!" her Father said with a laugh. Let me try.

"And if you just listen, 
the birds are all singing, 
for you in such sweet harmony!"

"That's great, Dad!" she squealed. And then continued,

"They sing that my Father so loves me. 
Their Song is so loud in my ears! 
How can I not hear them? 
How can I not listen? 
Their Song scares away all my fears!"

Josie suddenly stopped. "Listen, Daddy! Can you hear it?"

"Hear what, darling?"

"The Rain! The Rain has stopped. We sang right to the end of the Storm!"

"We sure did, Precious," He said with a smile. "Now, I think it's best you get some Rest. Tomorrow we will have another exciting day together." 

Josie closed her eyes and dreamed of meadows and flowers and singing birds. 


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