Make It Home Safely

“Make it home safely,” we say to our friends and relatives as they leave our houses. Above all things, we wish for them a safe trip home. You want the best possible ending for them at the end of the day.

Eternally speaking, this is our ultimate prayer for them, as well. In this life, we wish our loved ones health and wealth and happiness here on earth. But those that have eyes to see beyond the temporary, wish them far, far more. They understand that life is a breath and one day all this world will be history. So they pray with long term perspective for the ones they love. They intercede and ask the Father not just to get them home safely at the end of each day while they live on earth, but also that they will make it safely to their eternal Home in Heaven. They pray that they will have a relationship with Jesus and be forgiven. They pray that they will know Him and not be lost forever in eternity. They ask the Father to get them Home safely. And this is the most important prayer we could ever say for anyone. We simply want the best possible ending for them at the end of the Day.


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