Knot A Problem

Some knots are just way too big to fix on your own.

I've fiddled with knots that are so stubborn, I never get them loosened and straightened.  Despite my efforts, I resolve that it is a knot that will never get fixed, resolved or loosened...  by me, that is.

Then, I hand it off to someone else and they slowly but surely work through it for me.  There is always a bit of amazement and thankfulness for their help.

This morning, I was thinking about a knot in my life.  A knot that I've been trying to resolve for a long time.  A knot that I would pick up, mess with, and fight with until the point of exhaustion.  I put it down, only to pick it back up later on to try at it again -- with little success.

Then, the thought came to me...  "This is too big for you."

With those Words came relief.

Knots are just way too big to fix on your own.  God's not asking us to fix ourselves.  He's asking us to let Him have the knots.  It's knot too big for Him.


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