The Sword & The Spirit

The sword of the Spirit glows bright in the dark
lighting up pathways and hitting the mark.
It's for our defense 
but it's also our weapon
that we use to take back
all that was stolen!

It's not just a pretty little thing we display
above our mantles 
like we don't need it 
every single day.
It's something we take with us 
wherever we go
like a purse or a wallet, 
it's not left at home.

See, the devil is scared that you'll learn this great secret:
That you can't do anything without your sword and the Spirit.
He's not threatened by talent, there's no power in that.
What makes him go crazy is God's Spirit, in fact!
Remember how the demons were tortured by Jesus?
They begged Him to leave, like the one named Legion.

Jesus didn't go in His own strength and might.
He went with His Father to fight the good fight.
So let this be an example to us!
We can't do anything unless He is in us.
And we must go in His name and His power
or our efforts are fruitless in this desperate hour.

So, RISE UP with sword! 
RISE UP with His Spirit!
And march on the enemy 
with the authority in us!

Luke 8:26-39
Zechariah 4:6
Ephesians 6:10-20

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