Remind Me

We hang them up to remind ourselves.

Post-it notes on our bathroom mirror, "Did you floss?" 

Grocery lists on our refrigerators because the last time we went without a list, we left out four items and had to go back. Not making that mistake again.

A ripped piece of paper taped to the front door reading, "Don't forget your lunch," even though we know it should just be a habit at this point.

Some of us even have notes saying, "Where's the baby?" for those busy errand days. We're not taking any chances and accidently leaving our precious little one in the car.

We place reminders because we know our own tendency to forget. We aren't ashamed of it. If we could remember everything, all the time, everyday, and every moment, I hardly think we'd be able to call ourselves human.

And, unfortunately, our forgetfulness leaks over into our spiritual lives, too. We forget - sometimes almost immediately. We forget the things He has said to us. We forget the things we have read from His Letter. We forget the things we have learned and know about Him from living everyday life with Him. And as much as we tell ourselves, "I'll never forget this moment. I'll never forget what You are telling me right now..." We do. 

So we write it down. We post it in places we will remember to keep it ever before us. Scriptures on our walls. Pages and pages in our journals. Screensavers on our computers. We keep his Promises ever before us.

And thankfully we don't fight our forgetfulness alone. We've got ourselves a Helper who's more than happy to keep us focused as He whispers His reminders in our hearts...

"Remember...I have plans to prosper you. Don't let discouragement take root in your heart right now."

"Remember...My love for you is higher than the heavens, deeper than the sea. I'll never leave you nor forsake you. We will ride out this storm together."

"Remember...I AM your healer. Don't hold back your tears or your pain from Me. It will only slow the process. You can trust me with the deepest parts of you, for I made those parts and know how to fix them."

"Remember...It's ok to smile and Hope for Good things. For I AM Good and have Good things for you. Let the liar lie all he wants. We're not listening to him anymore. He tries to remind you of things you've already let go of. He dwells on who you used to be, the person that doesn't even exist anymore. I dwell on who you are and who you are becoming.."

"Remember...I'm right here and I love you. Remember that.
I'll say it again in 5 minutes, in case you forget."

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John‬ ‭14:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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