Through the Keyhole

The hall was spacious and beautiful beyond what I can describe. Massive, with high ceilings and large pieces of furniture. It felt like the room could swallow me whole! "Did a giant live here?" I thought.

Until now, I had only seen the room through the keyhole of the door that lead into it. But now, as I entered, I had full view of it! How different things looked and felt when I walked inside. I wasn't an observer looking in anymore. I was now immersed in the environment itself! 

But nothing compared to what happened next. The King himself opened another door on the opposite side of the hall. His presence was known by every object in the room even before He stepped in. The majestic presence of the King sent a wave of glory through the hall like a fragrance wafting off of a fresh loaf of baked bread. The room was filled with His aroma, the air saturated with its delight! I was consumed with awe, my senses on overdrive. It was all too much to even take in! 

Then, I watched as I could sense things shifting, below and above me. Suddenly, the floor began to move upward and forward toward the King, Himself. I was enamored by how smooth and effortless it was to move toward Him. I did not strive, which I was so accustomed to doing. The floor bellowed up and down like an ocean wave until it reached the King, the Majestic One.

My eyes, in wonder, looked up at Him. "Indeed, a giant does live here!" I laughed to myself, for He was as enormous as the room itself. 

The floor brought me eye level with His face. I couldn't believe I was so close! I boldly reached my hand out to touch His cheek and to My surprise, He took My hand and held it against His face tenderly.

"Oh darling!" He said. "My heart can barely take in how beautiful you are and how delighted I am that you have come to see Me!"

"Oh King!" I said. "But it is certainly my honor to be with You!"

He looked at me with eyes as tender as His touch and said, "No, the honor is truly Mine, darling."


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