Know You're Known

What is better? To know everything (having it all figured out) or to be known? 

I say it's better to know that you are known. Know it fully and completely. Know that you are crafted and loved, My Beloved. Know this more than you know anything else. Know how much I love you. Know how precious you are to Me. People who forget this are the ones that struggle the most because they forget that they are being cared for and they go and seek provision for themselves. Those that forget that they are known and cared for will never stop striving and they will never rest. There will always be something left on their "to-do list." They don't know how to stop and just sit like Mary did. They will always strive in my Presence.

Say it to yourself: "God knows me and I am loved by Him. He cares for me. I am His child."

Say it slower and let it sink in: "God knows me and I am loved by Him. He cares for me. I am His child."

Take a deep breath and believe it fully: "God knows me and I am loved by Him. He cares for me. I am His child."

*This blog is part of my “Speak Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us. 


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