Breaking the Yoke of Slavery
Open up to see a world full of Me. Where the glass ceiling is shattered and you live with brand new possibilities!
Do you see that you worry about receiving just the bare minimum. You worry for bread. But I TELL YOU LOOK UP! For your redemption is neigh! And you will no longer have to forge for food like a slave or beggar. You will not know this lifestyle any longer! For I am BREAKING the yoke of slavery off your back!! I am no longer tolerating it, for there are places for you to fly to, and how can you possibly take flight if weighed down by 'sand bags'.
I AM YOUR GREAT DELIVERER! So do not look to the left or to the right. TRUST me and I will show you the way!! I'm placing you in strategic times for a strategic move. And we are going to play this game of chess like a champ! I'm going to push you forward with My finger and let the enemy be bewildered! hahaha! I laugh because he thought he had you under his thumb. BUT NO. You were nestled in My pocket until you were ready to be spent for the nations and launched.