Days of Awe
These are days of awe.
Days of thunder.
Days of glory.
These are most certainly
days of wonder!
And these are days of heartbreak
as you have to let things go.
But also days of discovery
as you stay with Me on this road.
These are days of merriment
and days that will bring big smiles!
These are days when your fortunes
will pile up for you for miles upon miles!
And these are days when the script
is flipped and forever changed.
It's no longer you on the bottom,
no longer you who are limited,
no longer you who are chained.
No, the days are here
where the righteous will lead!
Goodness and mercy and truth there will be!
All will look and understand it's The Way.
Revelation will saturate the minds
of those who are astray.
They will see for themselves the truth and the error.
They will see it so plainly
when I pull back the curtain,
when I pull back the curtain in this hour.
Then All will see.
And All will KNOW.
It will no longer be a mystery. No more lies will be told.
I will make things known to the greatest and the least.
The world will behold!
The whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
will surely be seen!