Glorious and Dreadful

This is not a made-up story like Hansel and Gretel.
It's not pretend. It's not a game. 
It's real and I'm here to unveil
the deepest of secrets that have never been told.
I'm hear to unravel the ribbon and the bow!
I'm hear to disclose things.
Are you ready for them!?
Just as you prepare for a trip, 
you must be ready to receive them.
Don't take it lightly.
This is serious, you know.
Yet, the message, itself, will tickle your belly!
It will make you laugh down to your toes.

So be ready for what's coming.
For YOU this isn't dread.
For YOU this is a lightbulb
that's going to go off in your head!
hahaha! I know, here I am laughing again!
But I can't help it!
You see, the things I'm about to bring in
are for YOU and YOUR children.
These are gifts that no one has opened.
It will be amazing! You'll be astonished, 
as you live in this land called Goshen.

For you won't experience the dread that they feel.
You won't come under it or be pressed by the wheel -- 
the wheel that rolls over the wicked in this hour.
They have refused to come and hop on board,
so now they'll only know My heel.

But for YOU, sweet one,
for YOU this is sunrise. 
For you, the hour has come when you'll step into your place.
FINALLY the place! 
All this time I have strategized
as you stuck close by My side.

Oh darling dear, keep your eyes on Me
and find peace in the midst of what's about to be.
You'll hear the chaos 'through the door,'
but not be touched, NO not be scathed.
I PROMISE YOU, this is not what I have in store.
I have kept you this far
and I'll continue to shelter
you and your family.
You're deep inside Me, hidden from the oppressor.

You'll hear the screams like the Israelites did
when the angel of death came in and a knockin.'
The blood on your door will cause him to pass over.
You won't be harmed for you rest under MY shelter.
The angels will know who to touch and who to leave.
They will not be confused, for they will see the blood
and know you belong to Me.

So here's what I'm saying in this moment, this hour:
The fruit of all 
is going to be obvious
and I will determine 
who will rise and who will fall.
This is not a game.
This is real and I am real.
Keep remembering that, My child,
as you live out this time that's surreal.


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