HOPE for things not seen, things still to be revealed! HOPE! 

Believe as if it's as sure as the morning sunrise. Believe that I will do what I say I will do. 

Believe Me when I tell you that all things are possible! It's not for YOU to make it happen. It is for ME to bring it about, bring things around. 

I will NOT forget the promises I have made to you. I never have and never will. Just simply believe Me and trust Me. 

Be patient as I work. And then WATCH for just as quickly as a sunrise suddenly breaks through on the horizon, so My promises appear on the scene! Even though at first it feels slow in coming, the arrival is sudden and swift, like the hand of a clock clicking to the next minute. 

So don't worry how long you have been waiting. Think only on the arrival, on My deliverance. For when it does happen, OH! the glorious sight!


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