Passionate Father for the Lost in the Land!
Let's go win these souls! Let's go gather! Let's go show them that the Father is happier when they are brought close, when they are brought in! The Father certainly does have His eye on them!
He's watching so closely! His heart full of passion! He's going after the lost, the forsaken, the broken! He's going after those that will respond to His voice, if only given the chance, if only offered the choice!
He can't be held back! His heart is now bursting! Can you see now that all of this is to win those who are thirsty? He has lead them to see just how deep is there need. He has brought them this far so they'll bend their knee, so they will see! They will see His great mercy! They will see that He saves! They will see that they no longer must run -- no longer be afraid!
For fear has been the enemy. Oh yes, it's our great foe! But if we look at Him and catch His eye, we'll see that there is a place for us to hide --- in His arms is where we can go!