Seeking and Finding Waldo

I'm not lodged in a corner somewhere, hard to find. I'm out here in the open. Remember, seeking isn't strenuous. Seeking is looking and seeing - discovering. 

Does a child stress over "finding Waldo"? Haha no. In the same way, finding Me can be a fun game to the childlike at heart. You don't come looking for Me because you wonder if I'm actually there. You, instead, assume that I am there. But can you "pick Me out from the crowd?" Can you find Me in the midst of moments of chaos and confusion and discomfort? I'm always there and can always be found. Just as Waldo is always there and can always be found. There's no question of that. 

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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