Keep Following

Keep following Me. Stay close on My heels. Keep looking up at Me. Keep wanting more. 

Take a lesson from Noah. He was a man who, when no one else was hearing Me, moved determinedly in My direction, listening to My every instruction. He saw something others didn't and he stayed the course not because it was popular, but because he feared Me. 

So stay true to everything I put in your heart. Don't be swayed by people's nods and approvals. How do their approvals enhance your life anyway? Keep Me in the center and I'll keep you centered. Don't let the waves splash you around and pull you. Stand your ground with Me. Hold fast to all you know and everything I have ever told you. IT'S ALL TRUE! So what is there to lose?!? HAHAHA!

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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