The Provider

Long before you ever said yes to Him, He said yes to you. His history with you did not start when you asked Him into your life. His history with you started even before the foundation of the world. He knew you before you were even conceived. And He began to make provision for you long before you ever came and asked Him for it. Like a father who opens a bank account for his unborn child and begins to save money for his/her college education, God thought ahead and put everything in place -making sure you would have everything you'd need for life and godliness. He made Provision in every way: spiritually, emotionally, physically...He factored in every trial, every situation, every heartbreak. He knew ahead of time the exact needs you would have throughout your life. He knew every circumstance that would be too hard for you to handle. He knew every rock and hard place that you'd find yourself in. He knew all the impossible situations. And long before you cried out for His help, even long before you thought to ask,
He made a way.


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