You're In

Good morning!

Today is a beautiful day!

Remember today where you're positioned. You are in Me, in Christ. You are not on the outside looking in. So all the benefits are yours!

So if you're feeling guilty or shameful, you have access to full forgiveness and the washing of your conscience. And if you are confused, you have access to peace and direction through the guidance of Holy Spirit. And if you're lonely, you need only remember that you're never alone. My Spirit is in you, My angels watch over you, the cloud of witnesses look on with anticipation! If you're needing healing, My stripes have made that possible for you. And if you're needing comfort or needing to be revived, my Word will bring life to your soul. 

Remember today! You are no longer on the outside looking in. You are in! And when you're in, all the benefits are yours!

Grab hold of all it! And let's enjoy this day together. 

                                                                                                I love you!

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