The Gift

I stare at the gift. If only He would just give it to me, let me open it. But there it lies between Him and me. Such a delicate bow on top, a gift wrapped for a princess. If the wrapping is this beautiful, I can only imagine what's inside! I say to myself. He is a man of mystery, and wraps His gifts in wonderWill He let me peek? Will He let me see?

His voice interrupts my thoughts. "The day will come, dear darling, when there will be no more mystery. So enjoy this moment in history. For how many can say they have been surprised by Me? How many can enjoy what I'm allowing you to enjoy, allowing you to experience with Me?

"Don't be like the 'lost son' who wanted the 'thing' more than Me. He took his inheritance and squandered it recklessly. So, do you see? It's My mercy that waits for the timing of all things. I wait for you to be ready to fully receive. For if I give it too early, you may grab it and run from Me. And that would be so tragic, indeed. For all I want for you is to live in My house with Me and enjoy the gifts within these walls eternally. 

"As they say, it's not about the gift, it's about the heart of the giver. And you'll embrace the gift that much more when you can take the gift maturely, not running and squandering and trying to work it all out without Me. Do you see?? I'm not trying to torture you. I'm trying to keep you. I'm holding onto to you so the gift does not become a stumbling block, that it remains a forever blessing."

I pause and think. A tear comes to my eye. "Oh, Daddy! How you love me! How you love me! It's not about the surprise. What's inside the box is not what I really want. It's YOU Daddy. You! And so I will wait as long as I need to."

Then He lifts me up even higher than I've ever been. He circles me above His head. With laughter and smiles and eyes that twinkle, He spins and spins. He's delighted and amazed that it's Him, not the gift, that I have chosen. 

And then He reaches down and pulls up the bow covered package. He lifts it up. I pull the bow, enjoying Him as I open the unknown. 

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