Build Back on Truth
What do you do when you find it's not true? When all the things you thought certain are mere clever illusions? Like things being spoken from the 'man behind the curtain'?
What do you do when the world as you know it, is no more a reality as the fiction of a poet? What do you do? What DO you do??
You get to the bottom of TRUTH.
For there must be something certain in this great big, beautiful world!
There must be things that are not lies, things that aren't what we call 'fake news'.
You get to the bottom and build back a foundation. Upon this ROCK we build our families, dreams, and nations. For only this Rock can fulfill, even exceed, our expectations!
We come back to the Center and hold onto Him again. We come back to our Maker, for He is not just our Creator, He is also our Friend. Yes, He cares very much for what needs to be done. And He'll do it just right, according to His Word and the shed blood of His Son.