Roaring in the Storm!

Be still and know that I am God. I am the God that fights for you. I am the God that hears and responds! I am the God that takes little prayers and gives them huge results! I am the God that listens, and then waits for the perfect time to step in. 

I am doing something in your day that you would not believe even if you were told! It's bigger than you. It's bigger than this generation. It's worldwide. It's all consuming. It's things stacked up that I'm addressing. 

Mountains and hills are brought down with one breath! My roar blows air as well as makes a sound! So the wind of My presence and justice will be made manifest! I'm roaring in the roaring 20's. So get used to it. It's a ride worth taking with ME! I will teach My people not to be up and down and up and down in their faith and their stability. I am making My way clear so that My people will know where to step. I am making My voice extra clear! I am making My plans extra clear! I will not leave you in the mystery! I invite you in to know My secrets! I am cleverly planning something that no one could have come up with in their own mind! 

"Who lets the enemy win and who lets death conquer?" they say. "Why let evil have the last say and take over?" BUT it is not over! I have not said it or decreed it to be over. I am the SOVEREIGN GOD. 

And I will not let My people scramble around like they have no direction! I will let My purpose be known to all who will look to ME in this hour and say, "God! If you don't step in, we are doomed!" 

How long will I let it go on? Until what needs to be done, is done. The storm doesn't stop until ALL the rain has come out of the clouds. This is why you need to hold on to Me. Because the rain is going to fall and fall and fall. Like a thunderstorm that goes on and on, though you anticipate it stopping 'any time now'. The lights may even go out before it's over. But remember -- even then, you are protected and can rely on my emergency generators!

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us. 

**It is also part of my "Today's Bread" series... thoughts for Today.


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