Chocolate, Movies, and A Little More Sleep

If you were to forced to choose just three comforts in life, what would it be?

Now, I don't mean the necessities like running water and electricity. I mean the feel-good comforts in life that help a bad day feel a little bit better. Like a bowl of ice cream before bed to soothe the blues. Or a Netflix binge that you can lose yourself in for a few hours. Or maybe even a trip to the local casino to get your adrenaline going with the hope of finally cashing in big. Would you even be able to pick just three? 

For me, my self-soothing go-tos are chocolate, romance-comedy movies, and a little more sleep. I find when I'm restless or sad or anxious or stressed, these are the things I start seeking out to put in my grocery cart or schedule into my day. It may not even be a conscious thing sometimes. I may not be fully aware of just how stressed and restless I am. All I know is that my heart is not at peace and so it becomes a wandering nomad seeking out a little comfort and rest. And it won't stop until it finds it.

This past weekend, I found myself in this exact scenario. My heart ached for a little comfort and peace. So I popped a piece of chocolate in my mouth, pulled out a few VHS tapes of some classic 80s movies (yes, I still own a VCR!) and inevitably fell asleep on the sofa half-way through. There wasn't anything wrong or unethical with my choices. But, as usual, God saw below the surface of things and He knew there was something deeper going on in my heart that I was trying to soothe.

So, the next morning when I got up to spend some time with Him, He lovingly picked me up in His arms (so to speak) and said gently, 

"Valerie, look to Me for each little need. Don't be afraid to ask. I'm a good Papa. Look to Me not just for your physical needs, but your emotional and spiritual needs, too. You don't have to try to soothe yourself. My love settles on you like a blanket. You're tucked up inside my arms of Love. I'm here to comfort you. I'm here for you."

To be honest, I wasn't expecting this. I was surprised by His embrace. I didn't realize my own restlessness and attempts to self-soothe. I didn't realize what an automatic response it had become for me. 

So how about you? Are you reaching for things in your day for reasons beyond just entertainment? Are there things you go to to find a little peace for the restlessness in your heart? Has it become such a go-to comfort that you don't even realize that there is something deeper going on in your heart? 

God is saying the same thing to you as He said to me: "Look to Me for each little need...I'm here to comfort you. I'm here for you."


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