Moving Against What Moves Against Me

The Kingdom of God is an upside down Kingdom. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland - falling down in our world means falling upward there. Jesus spoke of this kind of opposite, upside down concept when He said things like, "Bless those who curse you" and "Love your enemies". The Kingdom of God is in contrary movement with the world. Therefore, as people of the Kingdom, our response to the things that are against us should also be contrary.

When there is great need and we don't see the provision, we don't sink into despair, but we do what Jesus did when He fed the 5,000. He moved in contrary motion to what His eyes were telling Him. He took what he did have and GAVE THANKS. Giving thanks was the opposite response. Giving thanks was the faith-filled response. And we know the result of that! He multiplied the bread and fish and fed them all - with food left over!

When we don't see the victory in life, we don't move in agreement with that by giving up. We move in contrary motion by REJOICING in God's Faithfulness, knowing He will never let us down.

If we are having financial troubles and are struggling with debt, we don't close our fists in desperation and fear. Instead, we move in contrary motion to the debt by continuing (or beginning) to GIVE our tithes and offerings. Remember the widow that fed Elijah? She never stopped being generous, even down to her last meal. In doing this, she was moving against what moved against her, tapping into the economy of Heaven!

If we're experiencing anxiety, we don't find coping mechanisms. We move in contrary motion and make deliberate decisions to REST. We purposefully lay our head on His shoulder and TRUST- choosing not to depend on our own wisdom and strength, but rather His. Rest may actually be one of the most powerful things we can ever do in Battle.

And when our hearts are heavy, we don't play the victim and reject His Comfort. We move opposite of our emotions and WELCOME JOY in our life. It's His Joy that strengthens us and lifts our heaviness, bringing Hope for a New Day. 

It's opposite thinking and contrary movement in an upside down Kingdom. And that is the Kingdom we are citizens of! 


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