~ Christmas Reminds Me ~

1)  Christmas reminds me that Love saw and Love came. 
2)  Christmas reminds me that Love is not a 'force in the sky',
but a real actual Person that wants us to know Him.

3)  Christmas reminds me that Love doesn't ask us to look inside ourselves for the Answer,
but rather look inside the manger.

4) Christmas reminds me that when powerful things happen,
it's not necessarily comfortable or glorious for those involved.

5)  Christmas reminds me that Mary was an ordinary girl who let God do extraordinary things through her. The impossible became possible.

6)  Christmas reminds me that Love comes humbly -- even in the form of a child.

7)  Christmas reminds me that God loves surprises!  (What a surprise the shepherds had!)

8)  Christmas reminds me that angels are real.

9)  Christmas reminds me that God controls the 'bright setting' on the stars.
 (that must be one huge remote control! haha!)

10)  Christmas reminds me wise men don't need to wish upon a star --
they seek the One it's pointing to.

11)  Christmas reminds me that big things do come in small packages. ;)

12)  Christmas reminds me that God is crazy about families --
and crazy enough to put Himself smack in the middle of one! ;)

13)  Christmas reminds me that all 'cast members'
 participated in the Original Christmas Story.

14)  Christmas reminds me that God's timing is perfect ...
even if it doesn't look like it on the surface.
(like the timing of Mary going into labor).

15)  Christmas reminds me that You come in our darkest of nights.

16)  Christmas reminds me that practical gift giving is perfectly acceptable.
(The wise men's gifts were used to live off of.)

17)  Christmas reminds me that God loves music
and His holiday soundtrack included angels and animals. 
(I'd love to see that available on itunes! ;)

18)  Christmas reminds me that we, too, can sleep (and live)
 in Heavenly Peace, here on earth.

19)  Christmas reminds me that God will even use politics/leaders
to set the scene for His plan.

20) Christmas reminds me that God has been known to visit the work place.
(The shepherds were in the middle of their night shift :)

21)  Christmas reminds me that some may 'travel afar'.

22)  Christmas reminds me that Mary did not have to worry about cooking, cleaning or decorating for her first Christmas party. (Should I follow her lead? ;)

23)  Christmas reminds me that when you ask God, it's okay to ask BIG!
(No kid limits themselves when whispering their requests to Santa! ;)

24)  Christmas reminds me that out of pain (in this case, Mary's labor pain)
can come Great Life.

25) Christmas reminds me that our Daddy loves to spoil His kids, too!


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