Spicing Life

There was a woman who wanted to make a pie.  A delicious apple pie. 

After making her crust and cutting her apples, she glanced down at her recipe. 

It called for a bit of cinnamon. 

"OOO.....Cinnamon always makes apples sooooo good."  she said to herself as she licked her lips.

She added what the recipe called for... and then some.  Pausing for a moment and looking down at her pie filling, she added a bit more 'for good luck'. 

"Certainly, this will be the most delicious pie I have ever made because cinnamon makes apples taste so good!"

And, with that thought, she sprinkled them again with even more cinnamon.

As the pie was baking, the aroma of cinnamon began to fill her home.

"Oh, how amazing this pie is going to be!"  she said to herself.  "Good thing I added so much cinnamon."

When the pie was finished baking and done cooling, she sliced a large piece for herself and took a huge bite.

It was then that she realized...pie should taste good with cinnamon... 

but, not when used in excess!


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