Need A Hand?

I have a confession.  For some reason, I have a hard time receiving help. 

If I'm walking into a store with double doors and someone holds the left side of the door open for me, I instinctly open the right side anyway, instead of receiving their kind gesture and walking through the left side.

I could be weighted down with 7 bags of groceries. 

My neighbor asks, "Can I give you a hand with that?"

I'll smile and say, "Oh, I'm fine. I've got it," as I stumble up the steps and through my front door, practically dropping everything and hurting myself in the process!

My heart could be crying.  Just a sad day.  And, someone notices I'm not quite myself.  They inquire with genuine concern, and I quickly whip my smile in place like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.  I fake my way through the day, almost convincing myself that there is nothing wrong.

The biggest problem with all this, though, is that we are not designed to depend solely on ourselves.  We are made to fit into families, communities, nations.  We are not created to be loners.  We are supposed to need each other.  It reminds us that we can't do it all.  We need someone to hold the door for us sometimes.  We need that helping hand on days our hands are overloaded and our hearts are heavy.  It keeps us humble and it reminds us to keep looking up to the Hand that is always happy to help.


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