Oh, March Winds Blow!

Hear the March winds blow as it carries a tune.
Most don't hear it, but it laughs and whistles, too!

It frightens those that resist its arrival. 
They say it's too much. And yet others? 
They marvel. 
They marvel at its delight to fill the land. 
They see how willing the wind blows 
on everything and everyone! 

It blows in and blows out
leaving no doubt 
that though we can't see it, 
it's certainly there.
Just see how it touches the earth by its air!
It kicks up, 
the things not tied down. 
The things that aren't rooted 
are dislodged from the ground!
And so the wind comes with a cleansing, for sure.
A good kind of sweeping like a broom to a floor. 
It wrestles with things that are too hard for us to shake off. 
It fights for us like an old friend, an old friend we can trust. 

Oh, March winds blow! 
For this is what we need! 
Come in all your fullness and meet our every need, 
God speed!

photo credit: http://clipart-library.com/



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