Think Differently. Ask Bigger.

So what shall we ask for on this lovely, cheery day? 

Shall we ask for the moon and all the stars that I've made?

How big can we go? How brazen can we be??

How bold and elaborate?? 

Can your prayers hold MORE OF ME?

Will you let your prayers stretch up and out and into where I live?

Where nothing is impossible, where nothing has a lid?

Can you stretch up higher, let your thinking stay

for I'm not working in the usual, logical way!

Did Dr. Seuss think inside the box? Did Einstein limit his thinking?

Did anyone of any influence refuse to journey beyond where they were living?

NO! They worked OUTSIDE of where they were and lived!

Mr. Disney, himself, thought BIG.

So think DIFFERENTLY with Me. Think like Mary Poppins today!

She pulled things out of her wonder-bag and believed the impossible way!


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