Blooming in the Desert

And now WATCH. Watch what I will do for you and for the nations. 

I am turning things on their heads to plant something new...I am making deposits all around the earth. They spring up! They grow and BLOOM in the midst of adversity. 

And isn't that the poetic way? We notice the blooming flower in the desert faster than in the lush fields because we expect them in the fields, but not in the it is seen as unusual and different. And that is what I am doing! I am doing something that will be NOTICED. I will make you bloom so that others will NOTICE that I am the God you serve. 

I will reveal myself through you (for people know, it's not a secret, that you love Me) and I will now show them who I AM! I will reveal Myself to them and confirm all the things you have said about Me. Didn't I say that what I do through you will be a testimony for others? I will bless you -- to show them! And that is what I do! I bless My people, I use My people as examples, to show the world who I am! 

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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