What's Your Source?

You are my refuge and my shield; your Word is my source of Hope.
(Psalms 119:114 NLT)
Many people are so delighted when they read or hear encouraging words about their life and future.  The little note found in your cookie at the end of a Chinese meal.  The horoscope that you want to believe is true.  The palm reader that tells you your future is bright.

Thing is, we all long for encourag
ing words that will give us the hope we are looking for.  But, we must be careful what we choose as the source of our hope.  Horoscopes and palm readers, for example, will only tickle our ears.  There is no credibility to them nor sustenance.  They are not rooted in Truth nor Love.  They will never bring Life nor Fruit.

But, thank God that He knows how much we need to be encouraged!  He recognizes how much we need a timely word.  He is aware of our longing for Hope.  And so He has given us His Word -- not words that patronize us, but words that truly stabilize us, feed us, and fill us with true Hope.

Psalm 119:114 says, "Your Word is my source of Hope." When we have God's Word filling our hearts and minds, we will never be satisfied with anything less.  His Word is the Great Source of our encouragement and HOPE!


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