More In Storage!

Christmas morning is always so wonderful, especially when you have children. My husband and I set up the gifts the night before, and it's a sparkling Kodak moment when the kids first see the loot laid out in the living room. There are squeals of pure joy as they practically do a belly flop into the pile of boxes, ribbons and bows. It's madness as the wrapping paper braces itself and the task of matching name tags to owners begins.

This year did not fail to bring such bliss. No sugar-rush could match its energy. And, when we came to the end of the gifts, and there seemed to be nothing left to open, we looked around and sighed a wonderful deep breath. What a fun time. 

And, then it struck me. 

Where was that certain gift I had bought one of my daughters? I did a scan of the room. Nothing. And, then I realized. Oh my gosh, it was in the attic! My husband and I did some early wrapping this year and we tucked them safely away in storage. Just when we thought we had come to the end of it - we realized there was MORE!  Holy Moly! 

We ran upstairs and brought down 3 HUGE bags of wrapped gifts. And just like that it suddenly became Christmas - AGAIN!  And, so began the second round of joy and madness.  The girls could not believe it. TWO Christmases this year?? Such abundance. Such a picture of overflowing goodness!

It made me think of how our Father gives gifts. Abundant. Overflowing. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over. He doesn't stop filling our cup at its brim. He allows it to spill over and splash everywhere. He gives us Christmas. And, when we think we've received it all, He brings down even MORE from His Storage! Holy Moly!


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